The Victim Support Centre, set up by the Ministry of Justice, aims to provide people who have become victims for various reasons with information about their rights, obligations and options, as well as offering them psychological support, legal advice and, where necessary, help in obtaining the assistance of a lawyer.
12 Szeptember 2023

dr. Balczó Barnabás, a Magyar Posta Zrt. elnök-vezérigazgatója, Máger Andrea, a Szerencsejáték Zrt. elnök-vezérigazgatója, dr. Répássy Róbert, az Igazságügyi Minisztérium parlamenti államtitkára, Mátrai Károly, az MVM Energetika Zrt. vezérigazgatója, dr. Pafféri Zoltán, a MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt. elnök-vezérigazgatója
Being helpful and supportive is close to the spirit and daily practice of Magyar Posta. Through its 22,000 employees and 2,000 postal service points operating nationwide, our Company is among the enterprises with the greatest involvement in customer relations. Most members of the public meet our delivery staff on a daily basis as they bring mail, parcels and pensions to the door, so a customer in trouble being helped by a postman, such as treating a wound, calling an ambulance or even saving a life, is not unusual.
“We consciously look for opportunities to collaborate with others in order to promote the safety of our customers and our staff. This is why we believe that it is important to renew our cooperation with the Victim Support Service set up by the Ministry of Justice. For a good cause, we are pleased to make the Company’s communication platforms available to inform our employees about the psychological, legal and financial assistance offered by the Victim Support Centre, including immediate financial aid in crisis situations, and to advise our customers as well through our employees that, if they are in trouble, there is help,” said Dr Barnabás Balczó, CEO of Magyar Posta, at the signing ceremony.
Under the newly renewed cooperation, the state-owned companies – Magyar Posta Zrt., MÁV Hungarian State Railways Zrt., MVM Energetika Zrt. and Szerencsejáték Zrt. – undertake to provide their employees and, through them, the Hungarian public with continuous and detailed information. Information on the Victim Support Centre and the assistance available can be found on the website, on the Victim Support Centre’s Facebook page, and on the 24-hour emergency telephone number 06 80 225 225.
Magyar Posta Zrt.